Wednesday 12 May 2021

Birdhouse Project

Hi, Antony here!

Here's another 2 videos that were broadcast by Hochanda in the first 2019 national
lockdown. In these videos I show you how I decorated an MDF birdhouse using
products from the Prima range. I loved how the Opal Magic Paints worked over
the casts from the moulds.

Hope you enjoy the videos!

Until next time, Happy Crafting!


Wednesday 31 March 2021

Decorating an album cover using products from Prima


Hi Antony here!

Here's another video... well quite a few actually, showing how I decorated an
album cover as well as some of the internal pages, using products from
Prima. These videos I made were used by Hochanda to broadcast, so if I
mention about the One Day Special, or about other items on the show that's why!

Garb a cup or tea... or maybe a few. Hope you enjoy the videos!

Until next time, Happy Crafting and please stay safe!


Friday 12 March 2021

Decorating a Gatefold Journal/Album

 Hi Antony here!

In these 2 final videos that were broadcast on Hochanda during the first national
lockdown of 2019, I show you how I decorated this gorgeous gatefold journal/album.
I've used lots of different products from Prima, from their clay and moulds, to
Crackle Texture Paste and waxes.

At the very end of the second video I give you a great tip when you're working
with moulds that have really tiny parts to them... so be sure to stay to the end
if you've ever struggled using that type of mould.

Hope you find these 2 short video of interest!

There's one more video that you might like to see. It's the one I made
showcasing some of the samples that I made for the set of shows on

Until next time, Happy Crafting and please stay safe!


Thursday 4 March 2021

Decorating a Plaque

Hi, Antony here!

In these 2 videos below, I show you how I decorated an MDF blank using products
from Prima Marketing. They do so many amazing products that you can mix and
match. In these tutorials I've used papers from their pads, as well as making casts
from their moulds. I adore how the Crackle Texture Paste worked on this plaque.
I applied just a thin coat of it and let it dry for the fine cracks that you'll see.
If you want wider cracks, simply apply a thicker coat of the paste.

Hope you enjoy these two helpful!

Until next time, Happy Crafting and please stay safe!


Tuesday 23 February 2021

Making you own moulds using Coolmorph

  Hi Antony here!

Have you ever fancied making your own mould?
In this post I explore a use for Coolmorph plastic beads to make my own.
The moulds that you make won't be that flexible, but the results you can get
using this product are still pretty amazing!

Step 1 I was given a sample of Coolmorph some time ago, and it's been sitting
there ever since. But then I had a brain wave... dangerous I know!
Anyway I read the instructions and got cracking on my idea.

I boiled a kettle and using a glass Pyrex jug I poured the boiling water in, followed
by the Coolmorph beads. When you first put them in the beads are white in colour.

As soon as the beads turn clear within the water, you can start moulding with them.
I used a metal craft spatula to remove the melted beads, but you could use a spoon. 

Step 2 The next bit is really important. I used a non stick sheet on my worksurface
and sprayed a fine mist of water over it. With wet hand I then took the melted beads and
squeezed them all together into a ball. I then misted a rolling pin with water
and rolled the melted beads in to a sheet, about 2-3mm thick.

Step 3 I took an ornament that I got when I visited Cyprus about 20 years ago.
I sprayed that with some water too, just to make sure the melted material wouldn't
stick to that either. I then laid it on a foam mat so that it wouldn't move.
Make sure that the ornament you want to use is non pourous. If you're unsure
try using the Coolmorph on the underside of it. If the Coolmorph does stick, at
least you won't see it.

I then placed the still malleable melted sheet over the ornament and pressed it into
all the detail of the head. When doing this make sure that you fingers are wet,
otherwise the Coolmorph will stick to your fingers (however it will come off
once it's cooled down)
I cast just one side of the head, because as I mentioned earlier, the mould that
you make won't be that flexible. If I'd have covered the entire head I wouldn't
have been able to remove the plastic mould once it had hardened.
Workable time for the melted sheets depends on how much it has cooled. If you
feel that the plastic sheet is hardening too quickly, simply use a heat tool to slightly
melt it again. 

Step 4 Wait until the Coolmorph has cooled down, which should take less than
15 minutes. You could also put it under a cold tap too.
Then I carefully removed the formed plastic. I now had a mould!

Step 5 I dusted out my mould with cornflower and then using FMM Bright & Light
paper air drying clay, I pushed it into the mould. As you can see from the photo, I
made sure that some of the clay hung over the edge of the mould.

This over hanging clay, gave me somewhere to hold on to and helped me
remove the clay from the mould. If you wish, you could also leave the clay
in the mould to set. This could take a while, depending how thick the clay is.

Step 6 With the clay cast out of the mould, I then cleaned up some
of the edges and reshaped the back of the head, until I was happy with
the shape. If there are any other marks in the clay, now is the time to
smooth them out while the clay is still wet. I used a damp paint brush
to gently go over a few areas on the face and used my fingers to tuck
the clay in round the outer edges to neaten it up too.

Step 7 Leave your clay piece to dry before painting it and using it
within your project.

Coolmorph could also me used to cast a texture on a flat surface, which
you could then use like a stamp and press that texture into clay.
I'm sure you'll have fun creating moulds... just remember the limitation
I've mentioned and you should be alright.

Oh... almost forgot to mention this, but if you know that you're never
going to use the mould that you've made with the Coolmorph, you can
melt it down and use it again... How cool is that!

Hope you found this post helpful.

Until next time, Happy Crafting and please stay safe!


Thursday 18 February 2021

Crackle Texture Paste from Prima

 Hi Antony here!

In this video I take a look at Crackle Texture Paste from Prima. This is only
one of very few crackle pastes/paints out there which is applied in just one
coat. It comes in a few colours and it great for adding that aged look to your
projects. The different colours can also be mixed together before applying them.

Hope you find this short video helpful!

Until next time, Happy Crafting and please stay safe!


Tuesday 16 February 2021

All About FMM Claycraft Clays

  Hi Antony here!

Here's a quick video I made for FMM Claycraft explaining the difference between
their two amazing clays. The Bright and Light, paper air drying clay and the
Soft then Strong polymer air drying clay.

If you're interested in getting either of these clays please head over to their website
FMM Claycraft (formerly FMM Funcraft)

Until next time, Happy Crafting and please stay safe!


Thursday 11 February 2021

Lisianthus Flower Canvas

 Hi Antony here!

Well 2020 is behind us all now, but uncertain times are still with us. I hope you're
keeping safe and are able to find time to craft. For this post I've created a wall
canvas using some cutters from FMM Claycraft (formerly FMM Funcraft)
The cutter I've used in this project is the lisianthus. I'll be honest I'd never
heard of this type of flower before, so I had to do a bit of research to see what
colours it came in. In saying that the great thing with making your own flowers
in clay, is that you can create them to match your project.

All the flowers have been made with FMM Bright and Light clay. This clay
is a light weight, paper air drying clay. It's great for all types of projects, from
cards, to canvases and even home decor projects.

I've also used rice paper that i've stamped using a Prima Marketing stamp, as
well as some stencils from Viva Decor.

I hope you enjoy the tutorial and are able to join me for a live show on
Hochanda TV on 16th of February at 9am.

Hochanda is available on:-
Sky channel 673
Freesat channel 817
Freeview channel 85
as well as on Amazon Fire TV, Apple TV, ROKU and online

For all of the cutters, clay and tools i've used please head over to the

Until next time, Happy Crafting and please stay safe!


Thursday 4 February 2021

Memory Box

Hi Antony here!

For these two video, I show you how I decorated a memory box using some
beautiful products from Prima.
As well as papers, I also used some of their gorgeous moulds too!

Hope you enjoy the tutorials!

Until next time, Happy Crafting and please stay safe!


Wednesday 3 February 2021

The Equinox

  Hi Antony here!

Today's project is a follow on from another canvas of mine,
"Celestial Love" Once again I've written a short verse to go along with
it and a little music video too. Before I get into the crafting part of this post,
here's both the verse and video for the canvas, "The Equinox"

The Moon had written his love for the Sun
using the brightest stars in the midnight sky.
As the cogs of time turned and night became
day, the union of love between the Sun
and the Moon got ever closer.
Mother Nature peered out to gaze upon them
both, as they met in the warm morning sky.
She smiled as she slowly rose into the sky and
encircled them both with her mighty majestic wings.
“I will call this union of your love, The Equinox”
she said“ Love each other equally and you'll
blossom forever”
And so until the end of time, the Sun and
the Moon loved one another.
©2021 Antony James Minnis

Ok... now to a bit of crafting!
As I mentioned this canvas was a follow on from my previous one, so
I've mainly used the same techniques to achieve a similar look.
The main difference is the textured background.

Step 1 Using an old shirt, I ripped it into strips of about 10cm wide. Next came
the slightly messy bit! I filled a small plastic bowl with a product from Prima
called Sculpture Medium. It's a fabric hardening medium that is similar to
Powertex. However unlike projects coated with Powertex, the finished item
isn't weather proof.

Step 2 I massaged the Sculpture medium into the material until is was
thoroughly soaked. I left it soaking whilst I took a 6mm sheet of MDF and
stuck some hessian pieces on. I used the Sculpture Medium as a glue to
stick these on and paint over them.
Taking the soaked pieces of material, I then placed them onto the canvas,
making sure they had plenty of folds in. The Sculpture Medium on the
soak material was enough to stick this to the MDF sheet too.

Step 3 Using art balls of various sizes, I mixed them together with the
Sculpture Medium paint, into a gritty paste. Using an old paint brush I then
scooped up the paste and applied it to areas of the canvas. I then left the
canvas to dry overnight before painting over everything once more with the
Sculpture Medium paint. Once again I left this overnight to dry, but you
can force dry it with a craft heat tool if you wish.

Step 4 Once dry I painted over the entire surface with some black acrylic
paint. Once that was dry I then started to dry brush on a magenta acrylic
paint, followed by a turquoise coloured acrylic paint.
I went over both colours with a second coat to make sure the colours
could be seen on the black. Next, using a copper coloured gilding wax,
I went over the highpoints on the textured areas to help them stand
out more. Finally I used Starlight paints from Imagination
Crafts, to dry brush on to selected areas to add a bit of sparkle.

Step 5 Once the background was dry, I started to add the 3D embellishments
that i'd made using clay from FMM and moulds from Prima. If you want
to find out the process for colouring them, please take a look at my other
canvas "Celestial Love" and Step 2 in it.
 The only difference with the embellishments in this canvas, is that after
applying the 3 colours of gilding paint, I then dry brushed on some turquoise
coloured acrylic paint to help give it a sort of verdigris/aged look. 

Hope you enjoyed this blog post.

Until next time, Happy Crafting!


Thursday 28 January 2021

Decorating a Glass Jar using products from Prima

Hi, Antony here!

I've got more videos to share, this time it's all about decorating a glass jar.
I've used 3D Gloss Gel from Prima to give the glass that frosted look and
then added some extra detail using casts from moulds.
Once again the videos i've made here were used to broadcast some shows
for Hochanda, so you may hear me mention about other products that were
on the show too.

Hope you enjoy these two videos!

Until next time, Happy Crafting and please stay safe!


Monday 18 January 2021

Lockdown Project

Hi Antony here!

I hope everyone is keeping safe in these uncertain times. Stress levels for many
of us are at an all time high and for some boredom has set in... but wait, there is hope
...Crafting! During all these lockdowns, lots of people have discovered crafting for
the very first time. With lots of new Facebook groups popping up, there is plenty of
inspiration out there and these new crafters are finding how calming and fun crafting
can be... and now they're hooked! For those of us who already craft, we've had a
chance of trying different styles to our normal crafting, or even different types of crafts
that we've never tried before. For quite a few people they've also taken the plunge and
started to do Crafting Facebook Lives and sharing their ideas.

This post is about one of my lockdown projects, which is a very different
style for me. I was inspired a bit by Finnabair, but wanted to add my own twist too!

I don't usually name my canvases, but this one I've called
"The Angel of Hope"

Step 1 To start off with I cut myself some MDF, which was left over from my garage
craft room conversion. This formed the canvas. I painted this with white gesso.

Step 2 Once the gesso was dry I glued a pre-printed rice paper design on top. Then
I watered down some white acrylic paint and splattered it over the rice paper to give
it a distressed look. This using a stencil and some Prima texture paste I added some
extra detail. 

Step 3 I mixed a colour similar to the pre-printed rice paper design and went round
the outer edge of the canvas to form a sort of border.

Step 4 Using a clock face die, I cut out 2 clock faces on 1mm card and then
stuck them both together to create the main background embellishment.
I painted this white and added some texture to it using quick drying Polyfilla.

Step 5 For all of the other 3D embellishments I used a selection of Prima Marketing
moulds. Usually I'd have used air drying clay, but this time round I used some quick
setting resin. When all the casts were dry, I painted them with white gesso.
The only ones I didn't paint were the two wings that I would later place on top
of the angel.
I used 2mm card to cut out a circle that would be large enough to later glue the
angel on. Again I used Polyfilla to add some texture. I also cut some 2mm
card into strips and applied a bit of texture to them too.

Step 6 For the wings that are on top of the angel, I heated the resin casts, so that I
could slightly bend them, to give them some shape. When you use this technique
make sure you don't apply too much pressure to the casts, as you might leave
a few fingerprints. Once the casts had cooled down, I painted them with white
gesso. Once dry I painted the angel and the wings with Prima, gold coloured
metallic paint. I then used a slightly darker paint to dry brush on, which helped
bring out some of the casts amazing detail. Finally using some magenta
gilding wax I lightly went over the angel and wings, to help give them a sort
of vintage/aged look and also to add a bit of warmth to their overall colouring.

Step 7 For all the other resin casts, I painted them with various colours of
metallic paints and waxes. For the floral elements I picked out the colours
of both the flowers and the leaves. Once all the paint had dried, I them
used the same colour gold as I had used on the angel to lightly dry brush over
them. This helped tie everything together a little more.

Step 8 The final part was to position everything. Firstly I decided where I wanted
the angel to go and then positioned the clock. I then played round with positioning
the other casts until I was happy. When everything was in a good position, I
took a photo of it, before removing everything. Using 3D Gloss Gel medium,
I glued everything back in to position, using the photo I'd taken as reference. To fill
in gaps and to add more texture to my canvas, I used various size art balls along
with gel medium. Once dry I painted over these with white gesso and then
dry brushed with other colours to bring the whole canvas together.

Hope you've enjoyed this post, thanks for reading!

Until next time, Happy Crafting and please stay safe!


Saturday 16 January 2021

Opal Magic Paints from Prima

Hi Antony here!

Here's another video from my lockdown One Day Special for Prima on Hochanda.
This one is all about Opal Magic Paints. These paints are very clever, as depending
what colour surface you paint them on, they come out differently. In a later video
I show you them in action within a project, but this video just shows you the basics.

Until next time, Happy Crafting and please stay safe!


Friday 15 January 2021

Prima Clay and Moulds

  Hi Antony here!

I'm sure you can remember last year when we had the first nation lockdown.
At the time Hochanda asked all demonstrators to video the demo from home
and send them in to then be broadcast.
At the time I had a Prima One Day Special set of shows. I made quite a few
videos, so I thought I'd upload them all onto the blog. They might come in
handy for someone, one day.

My first video is an introduction into using Prima Modelling clay with their
moulds. However the same method applies if you're using other types of clay too.

I'll be uploading more of the video over the next few days.

Until next time, Happy Crafting and please stay safe!


Thursday 14 January 2021

Sun & Moon Canvas "Celestial Love"

 Hi Antony here!

I thought I'd share another lockdown project with you, this one has a sort of
story behind it, which evolved whilst I was making it. In my previous post
I mentioned that I didn't normally name my canvases... but whilst putting all the
elements of this one together it came to clear to me that the canvas was a
love story, between the Sun and the Moon. And so I named the canvas
"Celestial Love"

The Sun felt alone in the Sky, but every night the Crescent Moon would
show his love for the Sun by laying down a carpet of stars that shone
brighter than the rest of the night sky.
However the Sun was always too late to see this act of love that played
out in the night sky. So the Crescent Moon left a key to his heart, in hope that
the Sun would find it and make his life whole. Months past until the equinox
came and finally the Sun saw what she had missed for months.
The Moon was finally whole and the Sun knew that she was no longer
alone in the sky. She now knew that although she couldn't see the love of the
Moon during the day, it was always there for her.
©2021 Antony James Minnis

As well at the short story, I also created a video too.

Ok... story over, here's how I put canvas together!

Step 1 Using Prima Marketing moulds, I made what seems to be a ton of
embellishments. For these I used FMM Claycraft air drying polymer clay called
"Soft then Strong"
I also cut out a circle using 2mm card, and added texture to it using quick drying
Polyfilla. I sank the Sun and Moon into the Polyfilla whilst it was still wet.
When dry I painted everything using various colours of Prima metallic paints.

Step 2 For all of the polymer casts, I painted them with black acrylic paint and
then used 3 colours of gilding paint from Cadence, to give them their metallic finish.
First I dry brushed on Antique Gold, then Antique Silver and finally a copper colour.

Step 3 I cut some strips of 2mm card to create some interest for the background.
With these I used Polyfilla and various size art balls to create texture on them.

Step 4 For the canvas I cut myself some 6mm MDF and painted it with white gesso.
I also used some structure paste along with some stencils to add interest to the background.
For the colouring of the background I used Liquid Acrylic paints from Prima.
I applied a small drop of the paint directly onto the canvas then water it down and
tilted the MDF canvas so that the colour run. I repeated this process with a second colour
of the Liquid Acrylic paints.

Step 5 Where I had used stencils on the background, I placed these back over
the now raised areas and used a gold gilding paint to lightly brush over. This
helped just show the stencil work a little more.

Step 6 With all the elements painted, it was time to start laying them all out. I never
use glue for this next bit, I just place things until it all balances nicely. When I was
happy I took a photo then removed all the elements. Then it was time to glue everything
into it's final position, using the photo i'd just taken as reference. I used the 3D Gloss
Gel Medium from Prima. It gives plenty of wiggle time and it's a fab strong glue for
holding all of the embellishments.

|Step 7 With all the elements in place, I then painted the stars with a metallic paint
from Imagination Crafts and added a little magenta gilding wax to a few of the
embellishments too.

Step 8 Using some Stampendous Chunky embossing enamel along with a glue, I
created a sort of border round all the 3D embellishments. This was to help soften the
colour change from the polymer clay elements metallic look and the pastel colours
of the background. It also gives the look that the metallic elements have been dropped
into a liquid metal and it's splashed out onto the background.

Hope you enjoyed this post as much as I enjoyed creating this piece.

Until next time, Happy Crafting and please stay safe!

Samantha and Antony